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Welcome to NetCove, Inc. and all related and sites.

ID and Password Security

NetCove will do whatever it can to protect your ID and access to your information private.


Your User ID is your account name for accessing all NetCove (and NetCove related sites) services. Your User ID can contain Letters, Numbers, and the underscore (_) character. It must be 5-20 characters long. Your User ID is not case sensitive.


Your password is the key to accessing your account. Your password is between 8 and 32 characters. You should make your password as strong as possible and you should never tell anyone your password. Your password can contain Letters, Numbers, Spaces, and Special characters and is case sensitive. Although NetCove currently allows passwords to contain only letters, it is advisable that passwords of all characters be longer than the minimum. A strong password should either contain both letters and numbers or be long - or both. A good idea for a password is a sentence you can remember. For example: "My password is secure" is a strong password due to it's length. For a short password you could use something like "k3n0shan0w". A really strong password would be something like: "Th1s pAssW0rD !s r3A1ly sTr0ng!".

For security, your password is never transmitted or stored in open text. NetCove implements an MD5 encryption algorithm on your password before it is sent over the Internet. NetCove can not see or recover your password, therefore we can not send it to you if you lose it. You will,however, be able to a self reset or change of your password using your Date of Birth and the Security Question and Answer.

General Security

Keep your information private. NetCove will never send you an unsolicited email asking for your logon information. The only Email from NetCove is confirmation of changes to your account or notices that features have been added or removed and some data on your account needs to be updated. If information on your account needs to be updated, you will be directed to logon to your account and modify it from there.

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